clinical cases


Nov 7, 2016

Boxer male dog, 11 months old.
Hip Dysplasia with severe lameness and muscle loss of the left hind limb, as can be seen in the video.
Treatment: Unilateral modified Slocum’s DARthroplasty.


1 – Hip Dysplasia

hip dysplasiaZugor VD view at 11 months of age.

Zugor before DARthroplasty.
Severe lameness and muscle loss of the left hind limb.

2 – Surgery day

DarthroplastySurgery day VD view. 

3 – DARthroplasty – 6 months after procedure

Darthroplasty - 6 months afterVD view 6 months post-operative.

Zugor 6 months after DARthroplasty.

4 – DARthroplasty – 20 months after procedure

Darthroplasty - 20 months afterCT-Scan 20 months post-operative.


5 – DARthroplasty – 20 months after procedure